The mobile payments team at Kroger wanted to better understand the desirability and usability of a new digital payment solution. As lead researcher, I was responsible for assessing the opportunity through research and analysis.
I started by interviewing the lead designer and product manager to understand the product, goals, key questions, target audience, timeline, and budget. Using these insights, I designed a study and created a research proposal covering authors, stakeholders, background, hypothesis, goals, methodology, target audience, assets, budget, and deliverables.
On test day, I moderated each session; welcoming participants, conducting interviews, running usability tests, and thanking participants. I used both Microsoft Teams and Zoom to host and record sessions.
Next, I held a collaborative workshop session where the payments team and I watched the interviews together and created an affinity diagram to catalogue user pain points, needs, behaviors, opportunities, and inspiring quotes, while also identifying larger patterns and themes.
Finally, I worked with the team to prioritize the findings, and ensure we had answers to all our research questions. The result was a prioritized list of findings in an easily accessible document.