Some words from the people I've worked with.
"I had an incredible time working with Jared on the PNC mobile design team! He always brought user-centric, data-driven designs to the experiences we worked on together and always made sure product, development, and accessibility were in the mix. And besides the fantastic design work, he was a blast to have on the team and always made sure to build up those around him and knew how to have fun while getting the job done with the upmost quality. Here's to the projects we shared and the designs we made together along the way!"
Nicholas Goodrich
Senior UI / UX Designer at PNCÂ Bank
"Jared's talent as a designer is truly unparalleled. Every interaction with him resonated with responsiveness, dedication, and a sheer passion for his craft. It wasn't just about completing tasks — Jared consistently went above and beyond, exceeding our wildest expectations. Honestly, every dollar we paid felt like an absolute steal given the immense value he brought to the table. Labeling him just as a designer would be an understatement. He embodies the essence of a product manager, melded seamlessly with elite design expertise."
Ben McPheron
CEOÂ at Beat the Book